Island Blog – Finites, and Tell your Children

A finite ending, a thing we all have to accept. Solution, Dissolution, Dilution, and, without the U, Definition. Without the T, Conclusion. All finite, all aaah, endings. I do not believe in such. I know, I know, that, in the wonderful world of science and fact and all those other finite endings, we, on the ground with our weekly schedules and demands and troubles, must, it seems accept. However, things shift along with the world and change and la la. There has always been the La and the La, and I would know, being a septuagenarian. Another damn finite. Like you should stop dancing, now, btw, because you might wet your knickers. That sort of finite. I don’t hear that from anyone, not no-one, just from my own head. Thanks and spanks to the last generation.

I don’t like the online dating thing. It isn’t for me. In the bios that I read from Marco, or James or Captain Marvellous (seriously?) and so many more, 90 something, who clocked me and sent me so many lips it was embarrassing, I pulled out. I felt invaded, pushed against a wall, imagined them all at a dance. Now, let me see……You are beautiful, at 50. That’s a No. You say you want who-she-ever, to look after you. Blow that. You want to meet for coffee. but live in Buenos Aires. Let’s talk about your brain, first. All the older men seem to think beards and big bellies are attractive. Okay, okay, I am new to this, but am a tad disappointed. So, I am gone from this. Instead, I volunteered for work at the charity shop at the island hub. It’s busy, dynamic and fun even though I know I will fup the till. When I worked in then Sealife Surveys Centre, back in the day, I managed to charge a delightful old (my age now) man £450 for a keyring. We both startled. I tried again and managed to upgrade his keyring to £4500. Confounded (another, but welcome finite) I said, Please, Just Take the Keyring for Nothing. We laughed at lot, and when the real Captain came in after a whale watch, he just smiled and said, Good takings today, Ma!

Thing is, nothing is finite. There is no one solution, dissolution, dilution, because life is always moving on. We listen to olding words, olding fixed finites and they can trim us like hedges, perfect, uniform, unable to sing. There is old wisdom there, but it is both finite, as long as there are bright minds alive, and fighting for a new freedom.

Tell your children.