Island Blog – Spin the Globe

I have no concept of Global. I have travelled, in my time, but to imagine the globe, one I spent many happy moments spinning into what we may well be enjoying now, as I took Africa to Somewhere Else, and Somewhere Else to some Polar confines, not knowing a dingbat about any of it, but still marvelling. I do remember feeling somewhat pissed off (not in my vocabulary then) that I couldn’t spin the world perpendicular. In the rigid thinking of my childhood, this was a WRONG THING.. However, I believe that sometime ago, about 55. million years, just saying, the world did tip somewhat, tilting toward the perpendicular. It is such a clumsy word. Ps I failed Geography. Big time.

Nonetheless it still bothers me when I encounter a globe. I love a globe, wish I had one, the spinning thing, the stop thing, the where did you land thing, still lively in my child brain. I don’t remember if my parents had one, don’t think so, but somewhere I met one, and was allowed to spin and to stop and to dream.

What happens in our lives? We do what we do, move where we need to, sort what we need to, but what about our dreams? When I consider mine I just know they would never have found the sensible feet required to walk them out, nor the courage, that innate courage. I didn’t grow that one, the sensible. And, the ‘sensible’ has import. Flying off the ground is for birds.

I still wonder about globes, see them now and then, in another’s home, wonder if anyone has put a finger on it, challenged it, flipped it fast, slowed it down, stopped it. Said THERE!